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Best pet-friendly destinations

Traveling with your pet can be difficult, so we've selected some of the best pet-friendly destinations to make traveling with your animal friends easy and enjoyable!

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Best pet-friendly destinations
A jewel of Central Europe, Slovenia's scenic capital is an ideal destination for a vacation with your pets. In addition to being safely accepted in hotels, restaurants and on public transportation, right in the center you'll find two wonderful dog parks where you can let your four-legged friend run free. Outside the city, on the other hand, you'll find places like the trails around Lake Bled or the Savica waterfall, ideal destinations for an out-of-town jaunt.  

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Zurich, Switzerland

Best pet-friendly destinations
Zurich is an ideal destination for pet vacations. Pets are welcome almost everywhere here! You'll see dogs everywhere in Zurich, from high-end restaurants to downtown stores. It is not at all difficult to find accommodations that have a pet-friendly policy and are even allowed on public transportation. Basically, you can freely do whatever you want in the company of your animal friend!

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Riga, Latvia

Best pet-friendly destinations
Latvia is one of the most pet-friendly countries in Europe. Most hotels and restaurants have very pet-friendly policies. The only downside is that churches, museums and galleries do not allow animals (as a rule), a flaw made up for by the many parks and public areas, great places to spend time outdoors with your pet friend, and the many trails in the surrounding area. 

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Palermo, Italy

Best pet-friendly destinations
The capital of Sicily and a wonderful city of art and culture, Palermo lacks nothing to make it a suitable vacation destination for all tastes. There are many pet-friendly facilities and an original dog-only playground. Just outside the city is also the wonderful free beach of Balestrate, where you can enjoy the sun and sea of Sicily with your pet friend. Palermo was also the first city in southern Italy to host a Cat Cafe, a particular bar that is very popular and widespread in Japan, where you can have a coffee or dessert while cuddling the cats that practically live there!

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Paris, France

Best pet-friendly destinations
The city of glamour, lights and love, but also one of the most pet-friendly cities ever! Paris boasts more than 200 pet-friendly restaurants, cafes and bistros and no less than 400 parks! And even when it comes to hotels, Paris offers the beauty of nearly 900 pet-friendly establishments! Basically, wherever you go, you can take your animal friend with you. Just watch out for visits to monuments, some unfortunately do not accept animals for safety reasons.

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Want some tips on traveling with your animal friends? Take a look at our travel guide with pets!
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