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{{ fromDate | dateToMonthName }}

{{ fromDate | dateToDayName }}

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{{ | dateToYear(defaultFormat) }}

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Traveling in the metaverse: how does it work?

In the near future, it may not be necessary to board a plane to travel. The metaverse may give rise to a new kind of tourism, allowing you to travel virtually anywhere and even into the past! But let's take a step back, starting with understanding what the metaverse is.
Traveling in the metaverse: how does it work?

What is the metaverse?

The concept of the metaverse refers to the creation of virtual worlds centered on social connections. This can take many forms, from virtual reality experiences to augmented reality overlays on the real world, or even through video games.

So, in a nutshell, we are talking about virtual worlds that can be explored in various ways. And hence the idea: if the metaverse is an explorable world, then can you travel within it? Of course you can! In the near future there will be very interesting opportunities to travel in the metaverse, let's see which ones.

The benefits of traveling in the metaverse

Imagine being able to see the great Pyramids, the Rome of the past or the New York skyline from a perfect vantage point without even leaving your front door. The potential of travel in the metaverse will allow us to see the world of today and the past in a totally immersive way, thanks to technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality.
Traveling in the metaverse: how does it work?
But no matter how realistic and immersive the experience may be, some places you will still want to see and visit in person, right? Here, with the metaverse you can visit that luxurious hotel room you're thinking of booking before you even pay for it. Instead of committing huge amounts of time or money, you can experience a place that interests you from the comfort of your own home and avoid unpleasant surprises.

Thanks to emerging technologies, virtual travel could be the new frontier in tourism, and it's just the beginning!

A new tourism

The possibilities of virtual travel could create a whole new subsector of tourism by opening up completely new scenarios for the industry. Virtual, augmented or mixed reality platforms could make travel begin even before actually moving from home, with research and testing experiences. Many companies are already working from this angle-expect to hear more and more about the metaverse! 
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