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What precautions should I take to travel safely?

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{{ option.label }}
{{ flexibleToDateLabel }}
{{ option.label }}

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As a safety precaution, it was strongly advised to avoid unnecessary travel abroad to avoid the spread of the Coronavirus epidemic. Some countries have reopened their borders and encourage tourism under certain conditions, while others continue to maintain strict restrictions. But in any case, health precautions must not be relaxed.

Please note that many flights are cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. We recommend that you consult the airline to find out if your flight will be operated regularly. 

Airports have now also taken various security measures. Screening at international airports in affected areas allows early detection of travelers with symptoms so that they can be examined and treated, thus preventing the export of the disease.

Advice for travelers from a risk area

For travelers returning from an area at risk, it is highly recommended, within 14 days of their stay, to:

- check the temperature every day and the possible appearance of symptoms of respiratory infection (cough, breathing difficulties, etc.).

- avoid close contact, especially with fragile people (chronically ill, pregnant women, the elderly, etc.).

- reduce leisure time activities, if allowed, (cinema, restaurant, trips...) and the frequentation of places where fragile people are found (hospitals, maternity wards...)

- wash and disinfect your hands regularly

- prioritize, where possible, working from home

In case of fever or symptoms suggesting an acute respiratory disease that occurs before, during, or after the trip, travelers are advised to consult a doctor and inform him/her of their travel history.

Tips for planned trips

If the flight has already been scheduled, it is important to apply some precautionary health measures during the trip: 
- Maintain precautionary distancing

- Avoid contact with sick people, especially if they have fever, cough or difficulty breathing

- Wash your hands often with warm running water and soap for at least 20 seconds

- Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. Always take some with you when you travel

- Always use the mask, both indoors and outdoors, during travel.

- Use disposable handkerchiefs and make sure you wash your hands after using it.

- Do not touch eyes and face without washing or disinfecting your hands.

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