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{{ fromDate | dateToDayNumber }}

{{ fromDate | dateToMonthName }}

{{ fromDate | dateToDayName }}

{{ flexibleFromDateLabel }}
{{ option.label }}
{{ flexibleToDateLabel }}
{{ option.label }}

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{{ | dateToMonthName(defaultFormat) }}

{{ | dateToYear(defaultFormat) }}

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{{ adults }}
{{ children }}
{{ infants }}
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Covid and planes: the most unusual facts! 

The Covid-19 health crisis was unexpected and with it unimaginable behaviors occurred. We have selected for you some unusual nuggets:

1. Empty planes

March 2020, the beginning of the health crisis, confinements, travel restrictions and border closures. Airlines found themselves without customers. And yet! We could still see planes flying! Indeed, some British airlines have found themselves flying empty planes without passengers in order not to lose their landing and take-off rights. This allows them to keep their flight slots, which must be used at least 80%. If not, they are redistributed to other companies that request them.


2. Flights to nowhere

A new concept appeared during the crisis; flights to nowhere. Tourists in need of travel were willing to buy a plane ticket just to take a ride in the air. This concept was born by Asian airlines that offered flights of a few hours with the same landing and takeoff point. These companies sold flight experiences to nostalgic tourists.
An aberration in terms of ecology that made the news. The negative environmental impact of these flights is even more unjustified.


3. Forced landing

Moment of panic during the United Airlines flight, which was to connect Eagle County, Colorado, to Newark on the east coast of the United States in March 2020. Panic wave when one of the passengers started to sneeze. Some passengers then started to protest and forced the plane to land in emergency for fear that the passenger was carrying Covid-19. An unscheduled stopover in Denver who after some tests assured that the passenger did not have Covid but some allergies.


4. Duty-free flights

In South Korea, it is possible to shop in the air! Indeed, the stores have had difficulty in selling out their stocks and are ready to make discounts. So the airlines in full flight penetrate international zones and sell tax-free products. It is then a commercial flight with the same take-off and landing point. Shopaholics are willing to pay for their airfare in order to benefit from heavily discounted products. The duration of the flight is usually 2 hours and you leave with a full suitcase!

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