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Must-see hot springs in the world

There is nothing better than taking a dip in a relaxing hot spring. In fact, hot springs offer relaxation and health benefits-here are some not to be missed!

Cascate del Mulino, Italy

Must-see hot springs in the world
Cascate del Mulino Falls are Tuscany's famous thermal waterfalls, near the springs of Saturnia. Here a stream of thermal water seeps through natural limestone pools to create a sublime experience (and admission is free and open 24 hours a day).

Recommended airports: Florence, Pisa

Blue Lagoon, Iceland

Must-see hot springs in the world
No list of must-see hot springs can be complete without mentioning the Blue Lagoon, Iceland's sparkling water gem. The lagoon, just 20 minutes from Keflavik Airport, is the perfect stop to begin or end your exploration of the island. Its mineral-rich geothermal seawater flows along moss-covered rocks, overlooking distant mountains.

Recommended airport: Reykjavik - Keflavík

Pamukkale, Turkey

Must-see hot springs in the world
More than a dozen hot springs decorate the hills of Pamukkale Natural Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in southwestern Turkey. The area's hot water, made even bluer by the white limestone terraces that contain it, has been attracting bathers for centuries!

Recommended airports: Istanbul, Cardak

Kusatsu Onsen, Japan

Must-see hot springs in the world
Kusatsu Onsen is one of the most famous hot springs in Japan and the world. Located at an altitude of 1,200 meters, the high-quality thermal water found there is believed to cure every ailment (except lovesickness). Known as a spa for many centuries, Kusatsu's fame was finally spread by a German doctor of the imperial court in the late 1800s, who extolled its beneficial properties.

Recommended airports: Matsumoto, Osaka, Tokyo

Chena Springs, Alaska

Must-see hot springs in the world
Just outside Fairbanks, Chena is the most accessible and developed inland hot springs in the state. It is the perfect place to take in the beauty of Alaska, enjoying the steaming water and ice-laden winter scenery as well as the Northern Lights, which appear between late September and April.

Recommended airport: Fairbanks
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