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{{ fromDate | dateToDayNumber }}

{{ fromDate | dateToMonthName }}

{{ fromDate | dateToDayName }}

{{ flexibleFromDateLabel }}
{{ option.label }}
{{ flexibleToDateLabel }}
{{ option.label }}

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{{ | dateToMonthName(defaultFormat) }}

{{ | dateToYear(defaultFormat) }}

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{{ adults }}
{{ children }}
{{ infants }}
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What will be the new travel trends in 2021?

One year after the Covid-19 crisis, we are gradually starting to rethink travel. Obviously, the travel sector has been strongly impacted and has evolved. Here are the new trends that we are likely to see for 2021:

Desire for nature and adventure

After having lived through several confinements, travelers want space, greenery and adventure. Large cities are in danger of being abandoned in favor of greenery. Far from the crowds and in search of meaning, the countryside and the mountains are ideal destinations, all the more so since there are many physical activities to take your mind off things; hiking, cycling, climbing... The small villages will also be much sought after. Especially in case of border closures, many people will stay in their own country but will discover the heritage of other regions.


Need for health security

Travellers will prefer destinations where sanitary measures are respected and higher. This parameter will play a role in the choice of airline, hotel or place of residence. In order to avoid any contamination, health standards will be valued. Moreover, when a trip involves several people from different homes, a PCR or antigenic test will surely be performed beforehand to reassure travellers, even if it is not mandatory.


Use of a travel agent

Travel agents will be more solicited. Indeed, many changes may occur during our stay. Repatriation, obtaining a refund, advice, information on restrictions (tests, quarantines...): travel professionals capable of accompanying the client throughout his journey are in vogue! 


Need for flexibility

Flexibility, a key argument for travel in 2021. Indeed, many travellers have bad memories of cancelling their past trips. No question of wasting time with after-sales services. Trips with flexible flights and hotels on reservations will be preferred. Cancellations at no charge attract because there is nothing to lose as a customer.


Last minute research

This is an uncertain time, as we are all aware. It is difficult to assess the future, to organize planning and to have a perspective on projects. This is why last minute bookings will be heavily solicited for travel. The lack of visibility encourages travelers to book at the last minute to avoid any changes and risks. No rush or plan on the comet, last minute trips are the safest!

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