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The best cities to celebrate St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day is synonymous with great celebrations where the green is the star. But go to celebrate St. Patrick's Day properly? We have chosen some of the "greenest" cities in the world to enjoy this holiday at its best!

Where to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Europe?

When you think of St. Patrick in Europe you think of Ireland, and not by accident! St. Patrick was a 5th century British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland. Known as "the apostle of Ireland," he is the country's patron saint. The festival in his honor has since spread throughout Europe and the rest of the world. Let's see where in Europe is worth going to celebrate:

Dublin, Ireland

The best cities to celebrate St. Patrick's Day
As may seem obvious, the Irish capital is by far the city where the holiday is most heartfelt. The St. Patrick's Day parade goes through the city center entertaining more than 500,000 people! The festival lasts for four days, with plenty of beer and whiskey, rides, and free live music.

Glasgow, Scotland

To stay close to Ireland, Glasgow celebrates St. Patrick's Day with its annual festival full of events, traditional music, dancing and traditional drinks. Pubs and bars organize and encourage live music performances, poetry readings and group dances, with audiences so wild you'll think you're in Ireland!

London, England

The best cities to celebrate St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Day is not officially a public holiday in England, but the city lives the holiday as if it were! Music and comedy, mournful Irish pub parties, the famous annual parade - London goes green on St. Patrick's Day!

Munich, Germany

We move a little further southeast to mention Munich. Despite no direct ties or large Irish communities, Munich has enthusiastically adopted the holiday! Since 1996, the city in Bavaria has held an annual St. Patrick's Day parade, with a larger and larger turnout each year, recreating an Irish atmosphere with traditional music and dancing.

Copenhagen, Denmark

The best cities to celebrate St. Patrick's Day
Denmark also doesn't have strong ties to Ireland, yet Copenhagen's celebrations honor those in Dublin! Parades, green beer, traditional Irish music, and most importantly the most unique event of the festival: the three-legged race through the city's Irish pubs, drinking in each one as they pass by.

Where to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in the rest of the world?

Not only Europe: as we were saying St. Patrick's Day is now a global holiday, also celebrated in the rest of the world. In the United States the celebration has ancient origins, but also in the rest of the world some unsuspected cities are among the most active on this day:


The best cities to celebrate St. Patrick's Day
On St. Patrick's Day, the Windy City transforms into one of the greenest cities in the world. Distinctive feature is the change of color of the city's river, dyed green since the morning just for the occasion. If this were not enough, the city also hosts not one, but three parades, attended by about 2 million people!

New York City

New York City's St. Patrick's Day Parade has ancient origins (first held in 1762) and is the largest in the United States along with Chicago's. Like every year, the parade will pass St. Patrick's Cathedral on Fifth Avenue and end at the Irish American Historical Society. Many pubs and restaurants in the city stage Irish themed parties, with food and of course typical drinks. One of the most famous parties is held at McSorley's, the oldest Irish pub in the city!

Tokyo, Japan

The best cities to celebrate St. Patrick's Day
The first St. Patrick's Day parade in Tokyo was held in 1992 and was meant to be a sort of introduction to Irish culture for the Japanese. Well, apparently the Japanese loved it and today the parade is a mix of both cultures, getting more and more popular year after year!

Buenos Aires, Argentina

It's always party time in Buenos Aires, but when St. Patrick's Day comes around, the Argentine capital turns into an alternative version of Dublin. Descendants of the Irish in the city throw South America's most famous St. Patrick's Day celebration, turning 10 blocks in the heart of the city into a kingdom dominated by the color green (and full of Irish beer).

Sydney, Australia

The best cities to celebrate St. Patrick's Day
Given the large influx of Irish people into Australia over the past few centuries, perhaps it's not so surprising that Sydney is a place where St. Patrick's Day celebrations are wildly popular. In fact, pubs and restaurants offer traditional Irish food and drink all day long and parties go on and on!

And these are just a few of the many cities that celebrate St. Patrick's Day with great events! Whether it's street parades, concerts or simple pub parties, there are truly many places in the world to celebrate. We're sure there's some kind of celebration happening near you too! All that's left to do is dress up in green and celebrate!
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